Well, maybe in Austria we are getting out of restrictions, but not in Spain. As far as you know, It is right now one of the worst and the most affected countries by covid-19. They are not removing quarantinee until may at least. However, the Spaniard spirit is beyond European standards. This is a compilation of the most in Spain.
-Man catched running because he tried to cheat the police
-DJ-ing in a big neighbourhood
-Playing BINGO in balconies
-Police threating to beach swimmers tired of them
-Walker thanks the 8pm sanitary aplausse
-Semana Santa orchestra
-The police again in the beach
-Tanks in Spain
-Spaniard is naught but clean
We are truly out of level. Some try to find enterteiment but some others are not strong enough to stay at home. Maybe some are just lost. But let’s get again into more memes.
-Playing outside also means in windows
-Sevillana in Jerez. At home, we dance happy
-DJs always try to motivate
-And the biggest disco on world: the land of Spain
-Playing I spy or being what we like to be
We don’t lose our way of be as you can see. Many of them are different of what in Europe are used to. However, they also are the strongest in creativity. During Eastern, we celebrate huge parades with catolics simbols that many non-Spaniard people can understand. BUT IT’S ALL CLOSE! THEN HOW?! Spaniard boredom is more like bore-doom.
Here’s the spirit of my country. For some it’s funny and for some other reflect the real spirit of what the land of the crazy Quixote is. Maybe we suffered the pandemia like the most, but no bad can remove our way of being. We go, as our motto says, Plus Ultra.
José M. Gómez