Guarantee you since young

What do you think about work? For some, it is a question of how to do it less; and for some others, it is a matter of survival in society. Let’s take this one: work is one of the basis of societies. People have nightmare or dreams with their jobs because it defines our status, it gives us freedom, it enters us into adulthood, it gives us a purpose… But you know that working as and independant young one is hard and the EU deals with this problem? Here is my reflexion.

The problems

There are several points that we all can define as the causes of unemployability before the 30’s years old. Let me get into the point(s). Some organizations or companies have the fear of having unexperts working with them so some of them require even years in the same sector. This also makes the youth fear and insecurities. Youth might think they are always unprepared so they must have a lot of studies. That’s our next point. People believe that we must have a career mandatory. (Insert dramatic voice) Unless you have superior studies, you would fail in life without a job. How killing!

We can work with medium studies and with no studies. Since I’m in Austria, I discovered that there’s a lot of posibilities if you don’t have huge status diploma and thousands of courses and three languages fluently spoken like a native. Not only fault of our mentality but companies as we said before. How then can we have experience if you don’t let us work? I give clues later.

And then let me speak about the conditions. Youth people often have to live with their parents hundreds of kilometers away from the work just because the apartments or the houses are so expensive that it is imposible to be independant and start a family/new life alone. But how my father can do it and not me? He has experience on his job and you don’t, so the first years you may gain between the 40% and the 60% of what you would earn in 3-5 years; And that’s if the contract is for an undefined time, which is more commom to find it temporally. And gender or nationalities is often an issue of unequality in companies.

The hand

This sounded really despairing and I put companies as the same level as the Evil incarnated. I do apologize. But the truth is that we are fighting this. The most clear: what I do. Yes, I am a volunteer and this a win-win job. I give my hand in a certain area while I learn in a foreign country and I can make a Youthpass (we spoke before in another post) that is like a resumee of what I did here; And let me tell you that is even more useful to ask for a job than a career diploma in many cases. We also work!

Also, this is not the only thing that you can find. Internet is crowed with ideas, experiences, blogs, suggestions, international jobs, interships, non-European volunteers and much more that is headaching to think. People share their experiences in social media, ask then how they did; organizations offer interships or scholarships, fight to apply them; companies look for crew of other countries, use all the tools on your hand to give them reasons to hire you.

This can also help with the people of distance and the difficulties of living alone. Then you receive conditions that allow you to stay: a paid insurance, a place to live while your work is on during a period of time and any sort of subsidy. Do you want also one of my advice? Enterpreneurship doesn’t only mean to create your company. If you use the (psychological) tools that enterpreneurs pray like it was the Bible, this world is at your shoes. There’s a lot of courses of enterpreneurship even for free that you can use in your own direction. And here’s the second advice: enterpreneurship is based on energy. Energy to create, energy to be responsible, energy to be brave, energy to think, energy to meet… Being active in a nutshell.

If you accomplish these requirements, you prove to be one of the best options of the market. Wouldn’t this then guarantee you a position in the company? You don’t need to answer. Proof to be that master, that salvation, that mesiah that they are waiting for. Thus they won’t even care about gender, nationality, ethnicity or any kind of that. Companies are greedy so instead of fighting, be better than they and proove it that you’re the way to make them gain money.

One or two more general advices

First, the father quote: boy, this is tough. So allow yourself to fail and be patient. Of course you can be scared, but don’t let the fear win this time. With corona-stuff we entered into a crisis and we need new ideas and fast people that can save the economy; so take this another father quote on mind: don’t stare at the floor, the sky is upper your head. Also try not to be nervous. It is not like to be dressed casual or in smoking-suite. Be yourself and avoid lies. For many, being dressed in a simple way is better than being “over-fancy”. This also applies to respect; Speak with respect to the people you are suround, but don’t exceed your esteem, you’re not talking to the queen. And finally but not less important: always learn from others and yourself.

José M. Gómez

A tiny little song

I’d like to share a little song with you, especially for the ESK-volunteers in Tirol. Soon the Corona-restrictions will be loosened 🙂 And then we’ll meet up in natura! Have fun & enjoy 😉

Here are the lyrics:
Ein kleines Lied,
ein klitzekleines Lied,
ein kleines Lied jeden Tag,
ändert dein Leben und es bleibt nichts wie es war,
ändert dein Leben und es ist auf einmal klar.

One little song,
tiny little song,
one little song a day,
changes your lifetime, into a new and brighter day,
changes your lifetime into anew and brigher day.
(by Katharina Bossinger)

D, A, Hm, E, A :// Fism, Hm, G, A ://

Just change “Lied/song” with any other word you like (eg dance, joke, kiss, run,…) and try out what happens 🙂

Lukas, POJAT

Spaniard’s quarantinee

Well, maybe in Austria we are getting out of restrictions, but not in Spain. As far as you know, It is right now one of the worst and the most affected countries by covid-19. They are not removing quarantinee until may at least. However, the Spaniard spirit is beyond European standards. This is a compilation of the most in Spain.

-Teacher doing sport lessons in the neighbourhood
-Man catched running because he tried to cheat the police
-DJ-ing in a big neighbourhood
-Playing BINGO in balconies
-Police threating to beach swimmers tired of them
-Walker thanks the 8pm sanitary aplausse
-Semana Santa orchestra
-The police again in the beach
-Tanks in Spain
-Spaniard is naught but clean

We are truly out of level. Some try to find enterteiment but some others are not strong enough to stay at home. Maybe some are just lost. But let’s get again into more memes.

-Someone is bored, then another too, then go to bed at once
-Playing outside also means in windows
-Sevillana in Jerez. At home, we dance happy
-DJs always try to motivate
-And the biggest disco on world: the land of Spain
-Playing I spy or being what we like to be

We don’t lose our way of be as you can see. Many of them are different of what in Europe are used to. However, they also are the strongest in creativity. During Eastern, we celebrate huge parades with catolics simbols that many non-Spaniard people can understand. BUT IT’S ALL CLOSE! THEN HOW?! Spaniard boredom is more like bore-doom.

YES! We made parades across all the balconies!

Here’s the spirit of my country. For some it’s funny and for some other reflect the real spirit of what the land of the crazy Quixote is. Maybe we suffered the pandemia like the most, but no bad can remove our way of being. We go, as our motto says, Plus Ultra.

José M. Gómez


noun [countable]: a small animal with fur, four legs, a tail, and claws, usually kept as a pet or for catching mice (Cambridge Dictionary)

domestic brown cat on white looking

Cats are neat. They can be cool, classy, funny, heartwarming, impressive,cute, awesome. They are a great source of inspiration, a great companion against sadness or depression.

Cute video from Simon’s cat, inspired by the behaviour of the author’s own pets

Cats may not be adapted for everyone. Known side effects include allergies, food consumption, decrease in environment cleanliness and tidiness and trying to unpredictably murder you while you lovinglingly scratch their bellies. Ask your veterinarian if a cat is good for you.

Advice from The Oatmeal (

There is a place in schwaz called Katzenheim, a “cat refuge” where animals without owners are taken care of by people, including volunteers. A youth center for cats, in a way.

Cats, cats everywhere…
Opinion from my favourite author


Vegan week

I guess these past weeks have shown us that it is the time to discover new sites, of ourselves, of our behaviours, of our routines, of our surroundings… It’s the time to try out new things, learn new things, be aware of different things.

To bring something fresh to my “quarantine routine” and something new to my culinary repertoire I decided to make a vegan week. I started by thinking about ingredients I never bought before and recipes I would like to try (or some that I have done before but that I would like to cook again). So for a little overview, in case you feel inspired by also trying a vegan week, here comes my “menu”.

for breakfast 
I was either eating Porridge (which was just simply oats with oatmilk, cinnamon and grated apple) or Müsli (own mix of oats, nuts, seeds) with fruits and fermented coconut “yoghurt”. Of course for my typical Sunday pancake breakfast I made some Chocolate Pancakes with chocolate sauce and strawberries. 

Chocolate pancakes

for lunch 
In general I’m always eating Sandwiches so I just needed to get some vegan spreads. I really like to make different types of hummus. My favourite one is with chickpeas and beetroot, but I also like different types with lentils, beans or peas as basis. I always mix it with some kind of herbs of veggies. Apart from this, also avocado, peanut butter, olive oil, or some vegetables like cucumber, tomato, lettuce, or grilled aubergine/ courgette are very nice toppings for sandwiches. 

for dinner
I started with something easy like a Lentil vegetable curry with rice. Just very basic with onion, carrots and celery. Another day I made some homemade Falafel and Naan bread. This was very delicious together with lettuce, cucumber, grated carrots, an avocado-coconut dip and a sweet and sour ginger dip. Coming to an ingredient I never cooked with before: tofu. I decided to buy the smoked one cause I was curious about its taste. After I freezed it for one night to get out the water more easily, I marinated it for 3 hours. After it became part of a Asian style vegetable-noodle pan. I must say it was tasty but I could also eat with pleasure just the vegetable noodles without missing the tofu. I think its more something I would cook with if I would rely on its protein. And a last great meal I had was a Vegetable strudel. I think this is a very easy way to make a kind of more special dinner in a very simple way. You can just take any kind of vegetables you like, spice it up and just roll it into a strudel dough. It’s amazing! This time I filled it with a potato and onion spread, and fried cabbage-turnip, carrots and spring onions. I spiced it with curry and parsley. 

Falafel and Naan

All in all it was a great and refreshing experience. But at some point I was really wishing for cheese, so I guess that is the main point why I don’t want to be vegan forever. In general I just like to have this wide range of possibilities, so that I can choose day by day if I want to eat vegan, vegetarian or animal products according to how I feel like. I think its just very important to have a balanced diet with which you feel physically, mentally and ethically good and responsible. 

I hope you got some inspiration and if you feel like trying any of these meals, just leave me a comment to get the recipes.

Lena C. 

This Sunday … is Pasta, … Pesto Pasta!

This recipe I just mixed up with the ingredients I have in my kitchen, and … tried this with lentils pasta, which is healthier and has lots of proteins … so good for after working out!

When I am creative while cooking, I dont use any specific measurements, I just mix everything how it feels right and of course I give a try on the taste.

You can try it too, and see what recipes you can create! And perhaps to share with it others! Good luck!

#mahlzeit #and #enjoy #the #sunday #in #2020

music unites and lifts us up

It is hard to imagine the months to come without the traditional summer festivities and festivals, that bring people together to celebrate life and enjoy different forms of culture. Is there a creative way to organize events and still follow the strict safety measures? Who knows. But we will see soon enough. Society has shown times and times again it´s ability to adapt.

Meanwhile, a lot of musicians are giving home concerts via YouTube, Facebook or Instagram live stream. In Wörgl, our association started a Facebook page called Home.Kultur.Wörgl, where people can share their home videos – playing an instrument, singing, reading bedtime stories or doing some stand up comedy – anything that creates positive feelings. Radio FM4 has a new daily series called Stay at Home Sessions. The Radio airs concerts or sessions by Austrian bands and musicians under a new motto “Stay at home, baby”. Through the Arte TV online broadcast “United we Stream” you can bring the Berlin club culture to your living room or kitchen, watch DJs playing live in video stream and dance along.

Today, on 18. April there is a global broadcast & digital special called “One World: Together at Home” organised by the Global Citizen Organisation with an impressive list of artists playing in live stream. The aim of this online event is to bring the world together through music and inspire everyone to take action and support the frontline healthcare workers and the WHO.

Following the cancellation of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 the organizers decided to produce a new show, ‘Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light’, that will air in place of the Grand Final on Saturday 16th of May. The Contest, its values of universality and inclusivity, and the tradition of celebrating diversity through music, are bringing fans together all over the world.

I believe that music and arts can unite and empower people and lift us up in difficult times.

Foto von Andrea Piacquadio von Pexels

These are just a few examples. You can share your tips in the comments below! Maybe your favorite band or musician is also streaming a live concert soon? Share and let us know!

Kadri, komm!unity

Noli Timere Messorem

Terry pratchett died in March 2015 from Alzheimer disease. He left behind more than 70 books, thousands of fans, and a loving family.

After tuesday meeting, I surfed on the internet for a while, for things related to him. I was impressed, albeit not surprised, by the number and quality of fan-made products referencing him and his work since then. He may have died a few years ago already, but what he created and, above all, what he inspired in other, still remains.

With the current crisis, we are seeing a lot of familiar names in grim circumstances, either famous people mentioned in the news, or closer, more personal tragedies. I personally don’t have any deep answer, or any way to make it in any way better, so I just search for them outside. Looking back at this, what I could find was a quote from the man: “No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.”

Hopefully, this time too some ripples will still carry on.


Coronavirus winners

Yes, well I know that it is not necessarily the most appropriate title but it sums up a thought that came to my mind today.
Over a month that we are now confining, condemn to see the same people indefinitely (for the lucky ones who are confined with someone). It is only natural that we turned to digital entertainment. Let’s start with the streaming plateforms

Big opponent of traditional TV, these are characterized by big emblematic names such as Netflix, Amazon Prime or even more recently Disney +. Even if I am not personally a customer, I wanted, as a digital media enthusiast, to take an interest in the increase in views on these platforms in these times of lockdown, and it confirmed my opinion:
The action of the largest platform, Netflix, has seen an increase of almost 40%. Even if this trend is only ephemeral and caused by the lockdown, it is almost sure that it will have a lasting impact on the figures of the platform, already well above its direct competitors. The causes of the continuity of this trend: the laziness of new subscribers to take the initiative to unsubscribe after the lockdown, or simply the part of the audience which discovered and was conquered by Netflix during this period. We do not yet know the exact increase in the number of new subscribers (The platform having the habit of not revealing them until mid-end of the month), but it is sure that Netflix, which had 110 million subscribers per month of Mars, take advantage of this situation.

In another area, we can also talk about the great evolution of Zoom, the web conferencing company. More professional than Skype and simplier and more accessible to use than her other opponent, it also knew how to take advantage of the situation which forced the majority of companies to make their employees work from home. There is indeed, in one month, an increase of 40.75% (98.5 € on March 16 against 138.5 € on April 16). Again, I remain convinced that the evolution of this society will not be just a fad: indeed, with the lockdown, many companies have discovered and seen the benefits of working from home for their employees. I would not be surprised if some of them decide to keep, or at least partially incorporate, this type of work into their habits. To be continued then.

Finally, and to finish on a subject a little closer to my interests, we can talk about the incredible and worthy timing of Animal Crossing New Horizon, one of the last games produced by Nintendo.
Indeed, this game saw his European release date (March 20) roughly coincide with the confinement of the majority of the countries of this same continent. And this made itself impact on the ranking: it rose directly to the top of the games sold, ahead of Doom Eternals, Call of Duty or even Fifa 20. A real success so, but what are the causes?
For me, it is quite simply : his concept. A game in which it is possible to develop your virtual island by means of quests and interactions with virtual characters or even real people. He therefore had the perfect characteristics to peform during this period: the cocooning and exotic aspect of our virtual island, to counter the monotony of our apartment; his social dimension which allows many friends to progress together in the game and therefore to be able to continue talking during this lockdown period; the nostalgia side also: the majority of the former players of the last edition of this saga, Animal Crossing New Leaf, now having the age to be able to buy themselves the edition of the game and to offer themselve a bit of nostalgia ; and finally the very”all public” aspect, specific to the Japanese firm, and which had much ease to conquer this new player audience (let’s call them “players of Lockdown”) than a Doom Eternals, bloody and violent game or even than a Fifa, more focused on male players)
All these parameters leading to domination of the last Nintendo game, and for several more months in my opinion.

Simon LD

Youth Goals and Competences… Which suits me?

In the voluntary work you have like 8 competences to develop. Of course everyone is skilled or aims to something specific. I open myself and this time I tell you my concern. Why do I feel concern? I DON’T KNOW WHAT IT SUITS ME!!

The key competences

I put you here a summarize of what the key competences are based on. Thus you can have a slight idea if you’re not familiar within it:

  • Multilingual competence: the ability to use differents languages for communication and to understand and express thoughts, feelings and facts orally or in writing.
  • Personal, social and learning to learn competence: the ability to learn to learn, to manage one’s own learning an reflect on oneself.
  • Citizenship competence: the ability to act responsible citizens and to fully participate in civic and social life based on understanding of social, economic, legal an political concepts as well as global developments and sustainability.
  • Enterpreneuship competence: the capacity to act upon opportunities an to turn ideas into action that has values for others.
  • Competence in cultural awareness and expression: it is understanding of how ideas are creatively expressed in different cultures, through differens arts.
  • Digital competence: it involves the responsible use of digital technologies, communication and collaboration, media, digital content creation, safety, intellectual property, problem solving and critical thinking.
  • Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering (STEM): the ability to use mathematical thinking to solve problems in everyday situations.
  • Literacy competence: the ability to understand and express thoughts, feelings and facts orally, in writing or in other forms, and to interact with others.


Quite extensive, isn’t it? Well, that was my first thought too. Then, which one can suit me? The first thought would be according to my studies, sure. I’m student of Translation and Interpreter then Multilingual and Literacy competences would be suitable, don’t you think? STOP there are more competences in translation and interprerter. A translator/interpreter must solve problems and have strategies; That is literally the Personal learning competence. And do you think translators use books and paper to translate? No, we follow all the new tendencies, so we prefer to have advanced technology for typing and investigation. Digital and Science competences would also be covered. If you’re not convinced of Science, the market of the scientific translation is the most popular and the most wanted. And finally, the translator/interpreter is an hidding enterpreneur who work between societies! No, I don’t mean we are spies; I mean that we get involved in social and cultural changes and we work on it. Thus we create a business (Enterpreneur competence) of changes and interaction in the culture of the people (Citizenship and Cultural awarness competences).

Can you see? IT IS IMPOSIBLE TO DECIDE! Then, should I make it based on my preferences? These preferences are. I would like to stay in Austria and use all my knowledge to work and to live here; Once again, all competences. Should it be the preferences of the country? C’mon, Austria is a wonderful country! They are involved in all of those competences like me. My project? Exactly like the previous question. There are no one that I can focus on?


Exactly, there are nothing that you can focus on. A voluntary work consists on the max enedeavour that you can offer. Maybe at the end you can see what it developed more or what it did the less. This is not confusion then, it’s the truth that you are helping, that you are important and that we all thank your work. Perhaps my path is not that clear as far as you can see and I’m still not decided what should I focus on, but I know a thing: give your best on what you are doing and all it’s comming together.

José M. Gómez